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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fun and Games

My Ball!

Monday Mischief?

Hint: That's NOT Zachary holding the ball up there!

"My Precious"

Evil Twin?

(There's one in every family)

Play Time

They crack each other up.

Dog Blog Post #1015

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "524. At Play"

Our Daily Challenge - April 7, 2013 - "Games"

In the Funnies

Play Time

I so want to create one of those pages where the pictures overlap and the sizes seem random, but by the time I'm done everything is always so neat and orderly.


Q & A

Tucker from BIGDAWG and FREEWAY** asked about Pizza Bones on yesterday's post.

In our house it's the thick crust edge - the part that's not covered in sauce or toppings and sort of resembles a spare rib if you really use your imagination - that's left after we eat the rest of the slice.

The boys love Pizza Bones. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. You crack us up too. Look at those teeth? Pizza bones sounds great. I like pupperoni. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. and you have 'two' in your family!
    thanks for the smile this morning and the info on Pizza bones!!

  3. So which one is the "one" in your family? hehhe

  4. OMD, look at those faces!! They are precious and having so much fun.

  5. I've just shown these photos to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! Must go now and wipe her slobber of my screen :)

  6. I think these are my favorite photos so far.

    I say that at least once a week, don't I?
