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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jail Bird Dog

Jail Bird Dog
Zachary: "So close..."

Jail Bird Dog
Zachary: "... and yet so far"

So Close
Henry: "I see you!"

Dog Blog Post #1028

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 21, 2013 - "Fence"

Daily Dog Challenge "538. "Door to Door - Take a photo of your dog framed by a door or archway today."

Monday Mischief

See above. I'm pretty sure that qualifies - although the boys did split the burger between them when the shoot was done.

Yum! :)

Too Many Choices

It occurred to me, after it was too late (when all really interesting or really important things tend to occur to me) that I had forgotten to comicize yesterday's Happy Birthday post's In the Funnies page, and therefore the images were just plain old images.

So for kicks, below are just a few of the many comicizing options for images available using Comic Life 2 (as always on my blog, click on any image to pop over to flickr, where clicking on the image will make it larger.)

Happy Birthday
This is "Acrylic Comic" - I like this one a lot

Happy Birthday
This is "Old Skool" (yes, it's spelled that way)

Happy Birthday
And finally, "Amp it up!" for something a bit different

* No, I'm not affiliated with Comic Life in any way, and I paid for my version just like everybody else ($30 from the App Store) but I am enjoying playing around with it. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. PLEASE tell me they got a taste of that burger.

  2. YES - the boys split the burger between! Sorry, I will go back and update the post so other's won't worry :)

  3. Wow my mantra is no treats no pose but maybe I should rethink it to no burger no pose. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. That last one with Henry was absolutely wonderful and happy they both got a little snack after :) Happy Monday!

  5. Those pictures cracked me up! The dogs here can definitely relate! And now I want a cheeseburger for breakfast...

  6. Woof! Woof! Golden LAUGHS on what the bag says ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. I like the first comic best, too. And now I'm hungry for a bacon cheeseburger. Stink. That looks NOMmy.

  8. Hi there!
    That burger looks tasty! Confession: After Mom was nice enough to share the rest of her burger patty with me this afternoon, I stole the rest of her French fries when she was tending to my sis. I thought she left the plate on the table for me! I could have been wrong, though. It happens sometimes.

