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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bad Picture Makeovers

Some days things just don't turned as planned on the Photography front.

Today was one of those days.

I had about 90 seconds to snap something that might fly for the challenges, and that was it. It wasn't pretty. The pictures weren't pretty.

Hours later as I sat down to look at them I thought... now what?


But first, the originals...

Zachary: "Oh no, Mom shut the screen door. We're locked outside. Ahhhh!!!!"

Can I Come In?
Zachary: "Wait... maybe not."

Come Play!
Zachary: "Hi, Mom!"

Yup, that's our "doggie dog" - a screen door with the screen unattached on one corner. Works great, and that extra "feature" of flap-ability didn't cost a dime being a gift from Beau, many moons ago. On those rare occasions when we have the slider open but don't want the dogs going out we set a baby gate across the opening.

Dog Blog Post #1037

April Showers Bring Zachary, sticking his head through the screen Door, hoping I'll throw the ball.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 547. "April Showers Bring..."

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 30, 2013 - "Windows and Doors"

Fun With Filters

And what did end up with?

These two are the last photo, above...

Come Play!
Colored Pencil Sketch

Come Play!
Color Explosion

And for the rest the originals were so bad I didn't even upload them...

Blooming Tail

Can I Come In?
Burnt Colors(?) Filter after a fair bit of extra sharpening/fiddeling in Aperture

Can I Come In?
Brush Strokes Vivid applied on the above shot

The five pictures, above, all went from my camera to Aperture 3 (RAW conversation to jpeg + auto enhancements + reducing in size) on my desktop computer, to Previewer (for watermark) then whisked off to the iPhone where I used PhotoStudio app to apply various filters (see captions below photo for principle filter used) then sent back to my desktop to upload to Flickr.

While PhotoStudio will upload to Flickr directly, I don't have the app configured to allow it hence the extra trip through the ether to get to the desktop machine.

Was it worth it?

For those shots?


But I did learn a lot.

The usual disclaimers: I didn't get anything from anybody related to anything above. The opinions expressed are mine. The money spent purchasing the stuff was mine (although I believe PhotoStudio is free - for everybody) and the input and output pictures are mine. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. We loved colour explosion best. Pawsome. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I like the originals. And that is a GREAT idea for a doggie door.

  3. Woof! Woof! LOVE the colored pencil effect. Mom is thinking to replace our screen ... she's contemplating it. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I think the shots are pretty cool. I'm a terrible photog, so you have my admiration for these!

  5. The color explosion one is really cool, kind of psychedelic! But, the explosion one with the tail is my favorite.

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. Love the tail Explosion. Nothing more beautiful than a happy Golden Retriever tail! You made some lovely lemonade from your original shots.

  7. That psychedelic shot made me queasy. I'm sorry you were having an off photo day.

  8. Solved that problem pretty easy with a little push of the nose! :)

  9. I loved the tail color explosion!! That was cool!

  10. Whew, that's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing! I like the originals and the burnt one. Love your doggie door:) It's a bit like my sheet of plastic that's been over the ranch slider since Frankie ran through it nearly a year ago. He just might do it again if I got glass put back in!
