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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fort TP

Fort TP
Kitty: "... and another roll..."

Fort TP
Henry: "Cool fort!"

Fort TP
Henry: "Can I help?"
Kitty: "Like you helped me last time?"
Henry: "The stains came out. Eventually."

Fort TP
Henry: "I'll be really, really careful this time."
Kitty: "Oh, all right. If you weren't so sweet..."

Fort TP
Henry: "Uh oh"

Dog Blog Post #1045

Oh, Henry.

Such a pup at heart.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "554. Circles"

Fort TP

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Hope they are extra soft. Clever idea for a Circle photo subject. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Now that has given me the idea to go dead some toilet rolls. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. My Thunder Kitty would have a party over at your place!! I can visualize the mess now!:) Sweet photos!

  4. At least when they fall they are not bricks. That could have hurt.

  5. There's something about the white circles against the colorful squares...usually I just notice the boys but this combo is so interesting and abstract...anyway great photos as always!

  6. Creative idea. Like the circles against the squares...and Henry of course.

  7. Isn't now the time that you grab the end of the toilet paper and run with it? That would make some good pictures too. I am not sure I could be so reserved around such a pile of potential fun ... Just Woofin'

    Izzi @ From The Sol

  8. cute as always! that Henry is such a little 'devil'..him and the kitty make a fine pair!

  9. What a cute photo series, I love it!

    Happy Wednesday!

  10. Love the photos. We might have to join in with the photography prompts. It sounds like fun!

  11. Beautiful job with the photographs. We have a few doggy friends who have been too busy tearing those rolls apart, lol.

  12. Brilliant idea for the circles prompt!

  13. Fun post! What a great idea to use the tp rolls.

  14. I had a good chuckle over this one! Cute.

  15. Hi, I'm so glad I hopped on over here! Henry you are a cutie pie! My dogs would have made such a mess with that cool TP fort!

    --Champ's mom

  16. OMG! Every time I think it can't get any better the next time -- it does! It's just too perfect and cute!

  17. That's a lot of toilet paper. Kitty must have bought the mega pack for the building project! :)

  18. *BOL* mom says your TP fort makes her think of angry birds!
    Wally & Sammy
