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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hot Wheels for Dogs

Dogs Love Cars
Zachary: "Cool!"

Dogs Love Cars
Zachary: "Where'd he go?"

Dogs Love Cars
Zachary: "Sweet"

Dogs Love Cars
Henry: "What the...?"

Hot Wheels
Henry: "I want one."

Dog Blog Post #1043

Yup, raided my sons old toys again.

Discovered that love of Hot Wheels crosses species boundaries, as both boys were mesmerized by the little orange car zipping around the loop - Zachary even more so than Henry, as expected.

I was rather surprised that neither tried to grab, paw at, or otherwise disturb the car/track in any way - perhaps an artifact of it being Photo Shoot time and they know that props are off limits.

FWIW, the track started about 18" above the ground, near vertical against the fridge, then plunged to ground level, through the loop, and ran into the dishwasher on the other side of the kitchen.

I did several trial runs, sans dogs, to discover the best place for the car to be on it's trip down the track for me to trigger the remote in order for the camera to capture the car in the loop.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge"552. Places To Go"

Our Daily Challenge - May 5, 2013 - "Automobile"

Hot Wheels
Taken at the relatively slow exposure of 1/10s

Mischief Monday

The mischief was all mine, I'm afraid, as I didn't let them keep - or even play with - the cool toy car when the shoot is done.

Hopefully the extra few cookies I tossed their way made up for it.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. MOD you are so good guys. I'd whap it one. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Cars and trains both seem to hold the attention.

  3. I love this whole series of photos! Their expressions of amusement and wonder are priceless! What a fantastic idea for the challenges, too!

  4. hot wheels?..haven't seen them in years, not since my brother was little, and that was a really long time ago!

  5. Extra cookies will just about make upo for anything.

  6. Boys are boys whether human or pups ;) super cute pics!

  7. I love the boys' expressions. :)

  8. Too cute I loved hot wheels as a kid
    Urban hounds

  9. Great photos and such restraint by the boys. Well done.

  10. I love how intent the boys are watching the car go around the track. I doubt Sage would show as much restraint.

  11. Fun photos! Surprised the dogs didn't try to catch the cars. Not sure Rita would sit and watch so calmly!
    Happy Monday Mischief!

  12. I remember those days when my son had the cars and the track. I miss those days.
