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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Dog Blog Post #1064

Henry Underneath the US Flag.

I couldn't find any references to Golden Retrievers in current use in the US Military, although I found references suggesting they have been used as bomb-sniffing dogs in the past.

However, they are well suited, and aptly used, as service dogs for returning Veterans.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 26, 2013 - "Underneath"

Daily Dog Challenge"573. Remembrance"

Also Rans

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Mischief Monday

I was trying to show Zachary waving, but as he doesn't hold the pose it's a hard one to capture. Alas, of the 3-4 shots I took, this was only one that actually looked something like a wave...

Memorial Day

... and he had his tongue sticking out!

Memorial Day

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. What aroootiful photos. We hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
    Wally & Sammy

  2. Have a marvellous Monday Memorial day guys.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Those are some of your best patriotic photos! I just love those! I think the ones of them looking up at the flag are just perfect for the holiday!

  4. What a great tribute from you and the boys!

  5. THese are GREAT photos! I love the one with the waving and the tongue out. :)
