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Monday, May 6, 2013

Working for a Living

Hold it...

Hold it...

Zachary bring your ears forward just a little bit more...



Thanks guys, you were wonderful.

Can We Eat Now?
Zachary: "Can we eat now?"

Sure, just give me a minute to fill your water bowl.

Fine Dining

Fine Dining
Zachary: "Mmmmm"
Henry: "Looks wonderful!"

Fine Dining
Zachary: "Mom, You do realize that you are making a mess all over the floor."

Fine Dining
Henry: "Food"
Zachary: "Beer"

Dog Blog Post #1044

Today, the boys were Working For... Blue Buffalo Turkey Jerky and their Liquid beverage of choice - water.

Wait… what's Zachary doing with a beer?

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "553. Working For..."

Our Daily Challenge - May 6, 2013 - "Liquid"

On the Menu

Today's shoot featured Blue Buffalo Turkey Jerky sprinkled with Sargento Four Cheese Mexican shredded cheese (Monterey Jack, Mild Cheddar, Queso Quesadilla and Asadero cheeses) topped with a Mother Hubbard mini-dog biscuit and served in a scallop shell.


Gourmet Turkey Jerky

Gourmet Turkey Jerky

(As always, my opinions are, well, mine and I don't get any benefits for saying them. Really, is there a standard disclaimer line folks can just cut and paste, or better yet an acronym? MUUO (My Unsolicited / Unreimbursed Opinion)? NPMFT (Nobody paid me for this)?  ???

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. the boys may have to work for their supper but they sure do a find job!!
    beer and biscuits, what more can a four legged worker ask for!

  2. All we can say is yummy. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. You boys sure do eat fancy.

  4. I think there needs to be an acronym.
    And I agree with Goose - it doesn't get much fancier than on a scallop shell!

  5. Your doggies are always so still and patient. Uhm...not so much SOphie when food is in front of her.


  6. LOVE the tongue shot - lipsmackin' good!
