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Sunday, June 30, 2013

LEGO Zombies?

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "What have we here?"
LEGOs: "Mmmmgughhh"

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "Uh, Mom. Got a sec?"
LEGOs: "Uhhhhgmmmwm"

LEGO Zombies?
LEGOs: "Mmmmwggguuuhhh"
Zachary: "Sometime soon."

LEGO Zombies?
LEGOs: "Uuuuuuggghmwwwgh"
Zachary: "Really soon."

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "Ahhh-Choooo! He he he.  Never mind."

Dog Blog Post #1100

Don't look at me - I'm not the one that picks the challenges!

Today's our third day in a row of triple digit heat, with apparently no end in sight.

Henry (who starts panting when temperatures "soar" past 50F) is convinced the world is coming to an end.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 30, 2013 - "Group of People"

Daily Dog Challenge "608. A Pleasing Composition"

Mischief Monday

Uh oh Henry...

LEGO Zombies?

LEGO Zombies?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh Boy!

The Boys
Henry: "Here comes Momma with the mail!"
Zachary: "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"

Henry: "Cookies! My favorite thing."
Zachary: "Lacrosse Ball! My favorite thing."

Oh Boy!
Zachary: "Aw-shucks, our fans are the best!"
Henry: "Coooookies."

Henry: "Can I eat them now?"
Zachary: "And play? Pleeeeeeeease."

Of course not. You know the rules - not until you write your thank you notes.

Dog Blog Post #1099

The arrival of the mail with numerous cards and packages, reveals the boys to be quite Popular with a certain segments of the population - the ones that appreciate the Canine Love Affair with Cookies and Lacrosse Balls.

I sure hope they don't let it go to their head.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 29, 2013 - "Popular"

Daily Dog Challenge "607. Canine Love Affair"

Zachary: "I'm so excited."
Henry: "Coooookies."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 28, 2013

Gossamer Goldens

Star Spangled Golden

Star Spangled Golden

Star Spangled Golden

Hi Mom!!!
Zachary: "Hi Mom!"

Dog Blog Post #1098

Well… this was different.

From back to front, moving toward the camera, the setup is my typical black stretchy velvet fabric for a solid background (same as yesterday's Touch of Whimsy shot) then one of the boys illuminated by the flash, then the star spangled fine net/mesh fabric hanging straight down from the backdrop frame.

For the "Hi Mom!" shot, Zachary is obviously between the camera and fabric, with the light and black fabric behind that. With the fabric at an angle to the lens, it looks considerably more substantial. While Zachary had no problem coming and going pushing through the net, Henry was convinced it was a solid wall.

Don't be surprised to see this star-spangled net fabric, mostly likely hanging over something opaque, appearing again in a few days.

The top shot was one of the few where the autofocus picked up the dog instead of the fabric.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 28, 2013 - "Gossamer"

Daily Dog Challenge "606. I'm Ready for My Close Up, Mr. DeMille!"

Blue Golden

I loved the now-you-see-him-now-you-don't aspect of these pictures (and fabric)...

Blue Golden

... but I just couldn't get past the wrinkles to choose one of them as the "the shot" of the day.

Blue Golden

And Now For Something Completely Different

Yesterday's Touch of Whimsy shots with the Nikon D7000's Color Sketch applied...

Bugs Life

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Touch of Whimsy

A Touch of Whimsy
Henry: "Hehehehehe"
Zachary: "Laugh it up, fuzzball. Looks like Mom has a second set in hand."

A Touch of Whimsy
Zachary: "Ha"

Oh, stop pouting.

It's just a simple headband - hardly an inconvenience.

Now look up and give me a nice big smile.

A Touch of Whimsy
Zachary: "We aren't looking."
Henry: "Nope nope nope."

I have Cookies.

A Touch of Whimsy
Henry: "Cookies?"

One of your favorite kinds, Zachary.

A Touch of Whimsy
Henry: "Oooo... Turkey Snap Bits!"

I guess Henry will have to eat all the Cookies himself today.

A Touch of Whimsy
"Cheesy Burgers!"

Dog Blog Post #1097

Nothing adds A Touch Of... whimsy quite like Hand Made antenna balls headbands.

See what happens when get home from watching the movie "Monsters University" at 9pm and you still haven't taken your pictures of the day?

Bet the boys are glad we didn't see "World War Z" (for Zombie) instead!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 27, 2013 - "A Touch Of…"

Daily Dog Challenge "605. Hand Made"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Zachary: "Ah, Sweet Henrietta."

Zachary: "How long have I pined for thee."

Zachary: "Mayhap tonight we will meet at last."

Dog Blog Post #1096

Looks like Zachary's having Canine Dreams of the lovely Henrietta, and a chance meeting at Miss Kitty's Feminine Treat Shop.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "604. Canine Dreams"

Our Daily Challenge - June 26, 2013 - "Feminine"



Henry: "She sure does look familiar."

All My Love

Ever notice how all Golden Retrievers look alike?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Pair Of...

Zachary: "Hard to get better than Mom's lap."

Henry: "Hey - this is my lap!"

Zachary: "Ooooo... scratch a little to left... a bit more... Ahhhhhhh."

Zachary: "... and a snack, too!"

Dog Blog Post #1095

Take away the props, the costumes, and the backdrops and what do you see?

Just A Dog

Well, maybe some do, but not me.

I see A Pair Of... like minded individuals looking for an excuse to hang out together.

Or a pair of knees, if you MUST be literal.

Actually, a pair of knees and a pair of wrists (if you are looking at the topmost picture.)

Hmm... you can also see my wrist in that shot, which would make that a trio of wrists and perhaps a disqualification.

Better stick with knees.

Or friends.

Alas, I didn't figure out the lighting until I was pretty much finished with Henry, hence there being only one decent Henry shot. Of course, the best shots, the one that best showed his big head and thick ruff, were the ones that didn't come out.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "603. Just A Dog"

Our Daily Challenge - June 25, 2013 - "A Pair Of..."

A Good Nap

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 24, 2013

Copy Cat

At Rest
Henry: "What's today's challenge?"

Easy as can be - "At Rest".

Copy Cat
Henry: "Zzzzzz"

Uh, Zachary?

Copy Cat
Zachary: "Not sleepy."
Henry: "Shhhhh"

Copy Cat
Zachary: "Zzzzzz"
Henry: "Not sleepy anymore."

And they wonder where gray hairs come from.

Dog Blog Post #1094

The boys At Rest or at least pretending to be.

"Head Down" is the only trick that Henry learned before his elder, Zachary.

It was a captured trick from Puppy class - that is, it was a behavior he did naturally while the instructor was talking, which I reinforced with cookies and later added a cue to.

When Zachary saw Henry getting cookies, he turned into a Copy Cat and reverse engineered the trick to get cookies of his own.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "602. At Rest"

Our Daily Challenge - June 24, 2013 - "Copy Cat"

Copy Cat
Zachary: "Not funny, Mom"

Copy Cat
Henry: "Hey Zachary, do you know you have a Cookie on your head?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fashion Sense

The Boys

Getting the shoot set up - whatever it is will have to wait.

Fashion Sense
Henry: "Wide"
Zachary: "Narrow"
Henry: "Wide"
Zachary: "Narrow"

Ok... ready. What? What are you two arguing about?

Fashion Sense
Henry: "Wide ties are in fashion."
Zachary: "No, it's narrow ties."


Just put on your hats so we can get today's pictures.

Fashion Sense
Henry: "Wide."
Zachary: "Narrow."

Fashion Sense
Henry: "Wide like your belly."
Zachary: "Narrow like your mind." 

Eh hem... chore lists growing wide, cookie piles becoming narrow?

Fashion Sense
"Cheesy Burgers!"

I should have gotten cats.

Dog Blog Post #1093

Great, now I have the song "I'm too sexy for my hat" going through my head.

The boys were trying to decide which tie was in fashion - the Narrow black tie or the wider red one.

I'm afraid I wasn't much help, either, as I'm not up on current Canine Fashions.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 23, 2013 - "Narrow"

Daily Dog Challenge "601. Through Thick or Thin"

Mischief Monday

I held this one back from yesterday's Some Days shoot, just for today...

How Rude!

Not what I was looking for at the time (understatement), but speaks rather eloquently to my feelings about Mondays.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Some Days

Some days they are adventurers.

Some days they are chefs.

Some days I catch them down at the local tavern.

Some days they play tricks on each other or Miss Kitty.

Some days they are simply models.

Today was one of those days.


Portrait of Zachary

Portrait of Zachary

Portrait of Zachary

Dog Blog Post #1092

I distinctly remember my mom, an artist, creating drawings and paintings of still life arrangements with "artistically" draped fabric.

Clearly, I should have paid closer to attention to what she was doing.

In my own defense, the subjects of her Still Lifes were a lot more still than mine are.

Still, I think I will have to revisit this subject again.

Some day.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "600. Soft Colors"

Our Daily Challenge - June 22, 2013 - "Pastel"


Portrait of Henry

Portrait of Henry

Portrait of Henry

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved