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Friday, June 21, 2013

Behind the Scenes

In order to get to this...

Day in the Life

... we had to go through this...

Behind the Scenes
(click on image to see larger)

Dog Blog Post #1091

While every shoot is different, this one was as typical as any - with the exception of the darned chicken that kept falling off the rocking horse.

I also usually work a lot harder to stay out of the shot. :)

The first seven were candid - with the boys arranging themselves as they saw fit - while the last five were posed.

Once both scarves are on, the order shown is not necessarily the order they were taken in, although the last picture really was the last picture.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 21, 2013 - "A Day in Your Life"

Daily Dog Challenge "599. It's a Dog's Life"

A Few Favorites

Behind the Scenes
Mirror mirror on the wall...

Behind the Scenes
Zachary: "What's today's shoot?"

Behind the Scenes
Zachary: "Makeup!"

Behind the Scenes
Henry: "Are you sure this is right?"

Behind the Scenes
Henry: "Ooops!"

Behind the Scenes
Zachary: "What's my motivation again?"

Still Life

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOL sack the chicken we say. Still the end result is great. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Loved all the photos & commentary,,,and the journey to the last photo was well worth it.
    Beautiful pics and beautiful models.

  3. It's great to see your beautiful shots aren't perfect on the first one. I take about 15 for every decent one, so it's good to know it's not just my lack of talent! The boys look great as always. Love the expression on Zachary on the motivation shot.

  4. Hahhaa My MOM would have gotten some duct tape to tape the chicken butt to the horse. Love every shot but that one with Zachary wanting to know what the motivation is, is just hysterical.

  5. I love a behind the scenes look, it's a lot of work sometimes to get a good shot but so worth it!

  6. I loved your 'behind the scenes' shots! The hat photos are priceless.

  7. Those shots are ADORABLE! I can't tell which looks softer, the boys or the chickens! That rocking horse is fantastic!
