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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Canine Chef Show

Chef Henry
Henry: "Pleeeeeease, Mom? Can I wear it? Can I?"

Oh, all right.

Chef Henry
Henry: "How do I look?"


Chef Henry
Henry: "Today's appetizer is a tasty and nutritious complement to any meal."

Chef Zachary
Zachary: sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiif


Chef Zachary
Zachary: "Oh, right. Welcome to the Canine Chef Show!"

Dog Blog Post #1071

While all the other Puppies were out side playing Puppy games, the boys donned a Checker apron and Chef Hat, and opted for The Road Less Taken.

Today's appetizer?

A small dish of non-fat cottage cheese, garnished with a Wet Noses Peanut Butter and Molasses (Organic) cookie, served on a plate with a scattering of Zukes Mini Bakes Chicken/Cherry treats, complemented by a Blue Buffalo Turkey Biscuit.

And yes, the boys each got to eat all their appetizer when they were done with their shoot.

(And no, I don't work for (nor am I affiliated with nor reimbursed) by any of those companies.)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 2, 2013 - "Checker"

Daily Dog Challenge"580. The Road Less Taken"

Mischief Monday

Uh, Zachary?

Chef Zachary

You really shouldn't be drooling on the food.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I drool on my food too. As long as I am here I would like to order two of those.

  2. nice looking food!!! and very 'houndsome' chef's too!

  3. Wow what can we say but yummy drool drool. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. oh my gosh too cute thanks for all the smiles

    urban hounds

  5. I drool on my food. I can't help it. Henry and Zachary should use Jones Dino bones as props. An archealogical dig.

  6. OMD! That was just fantastic!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  7. Fun pics! Rita loves Zukes and Blue Buffalo!

  8. Well, heck, with cooking like that, who wouldn't drool on their food?!
