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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Clean Laundry

Henry: "Ahh... nothing like taking a nap on clean laundry."

Clean Laundry
Henry: "Wake me when you're ready, Momma."

Clean Laundry
Henry: "Zzzzzzz"

Dog Blog Post #1073

While it's true the laundry was put there for the Our Daily Challenge shoot, plopping down unbidden on the Props of the Day in front of the camera is part of Henry's normal routine. The top shot was Candid, while the rest were a bit more posed. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jun 4 2013 - "Button(s), Zip(s) & Laces"

Daily Dog Challenge"582. Candid Canine - Take a candid photo of your dog as he or she goes about a normal routine of their day."

Clean Laundry
Zachary: "This is ridiculous."

Clean Laundry
Zachary: "Are you sure this is in my Modeling Contract, Mom?"

Uh oh.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Luna loves sleeping in clean laundry too! Or dirty laundry... really any laundry for that matter.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Henry and Zachary look so happy!

  3. Too cute!! Gotta love when they get their paws on clean things! ;)

  4. Love the last photo. Golden Laughs! Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. my little boy kitty loves to sleep on the warm laundry fresh from the dryer!..he comes running when he hears the dryer door open, knowing that the warm pile will be on the bed soon!

  6. Oh, Henry is zzzzzz is just precious!

  7. The candid shot is just great. I am a Golden Retriever, and I can tell you that it's all about our personal comfort. If that means sleeping on your clean laundry, well, that's what we'll do!

  8. Clean laundry is the best, especially when it's warm out of the dryer!

  9. It always seems like they are more drawn to the clean laundry to sleep on than dirty. I guess it makes sense! :)

  10. Ha ha ha! Those are classic! I am cracking up! That's some interesting laundry you've got there.

  11. Oh yes please Kodee says! Bring on the laundry! I have had an odd number of socks lately. Finally I remembered to check the creaks and crevices in Kodee's bed... ah their are my missing socks!
