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Sunday, June 30, 2013

LEGO Zombies?

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "What have we here?"
LEGOs: "Mmmmgughhh"

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "Uh, Mom. Got a sec?"
LEGOs: "Uhhhhgmmmwm"

LEGO Zombies?
LEGOs: "Mmmmwggguuuhhh"
Zachary: "Sometime soon."

LEGO Zombies?
LEGOs: "Uuuuuuggghmwwwgh"
Zachary: "Really soon."

LEGO Zombies?
Zachary: "Ahhh-Choooo! He he he.  Never mind."

Dog Blog Post #1100

Don't look at me - I'm not the one that picks the challenges!

Today's our third day in a row of triple digit heat, with apparently no end in sight.

Henry (who starts panting when temperatures "soar" past 50F) is convinced the world is coming to an end.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 30, 2013 - "Group of People"

Daily Dog Challenge "608. A Pleasing Composition"

Mischief Monday

Uh oh Henry...

LEGO Zombies?

LEGO Zombies?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Love it! Zachary I think you just might have saved your whole family with one might sneeze.

  2. cute as always..as for the heat?..warm here too! need a dislike button for the temperature!

  3. LOL mini zombies. That was a pawsome sneeze. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Gulliver! It's a good thing he sneezed, or they'd have tied him to the ground.

  5. Zachary saves the day and Henry sleeps through it. BOL!

  6. It's a good thing you had to sneeze, otherwise, your family might've been attacked by zombies! But... do lego zombies only eat lego brains??
