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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Art Critic's Review

Zachary: "Just tell us Mom."
Henry: "Oh, I can't bear to hear it."
Now, now boys. What makes you think Miss Kitty didn't like yesterday's Two Dog Show?

She certainly wrote a lot about it...

The Art Critic's Review
Zachary: "Disjunctive perturbation of the spatial relationships? Metaphorical resonance of the figurative-narrative line-space matrix? Devious simplicity of the inherent over specificity?"

The Art Critic's Review

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "I don't suppose YOU understand what she's saying???"

Dog Blog Post #1110

The boys had paws crossed as Zachary buried his nose in Miss Kitty's review of their Two Dog art show yesterday, trying to figure out if she liked it not.

Either way, they realize that Freedom of the press is pretty important, although they'd much rather she said good things than bad.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - July 3, 2013 - "Freedom"

Daily Dog Challenge "618. Nosy"

Two Dog Show Delivers

The Art Critic's Review

By Miss Kitty

I found the works playful because of the way the disjunctive perturbation of the spatial relationships brought within the realm of discourse the distinctively formal juxtapositions.

With regard to the issue of content, the sublime beauty of the negative spaces made resonant the eloquence of the pieces.

Although I am not a painter, I thought that the reductive quality of the fracture visually and conceptually activated the essentially transitional quality, although the metaphorical resonance of the figurative-narrative line-space matrix verged on codifying the exploration of montage elements.

It should be added that the optical suggestion of the purity of line brought within the realm of discourse the substructure of critical thinking.

I'm surprised that no one's mentioned yet that the subaqueous qualities of the gesture endangers the devious simplicity of the inherent over specificity.

Behind the Scenes

While you would be hard pressed to duplicate Miss Kitty's eloquent turn of phrase, you might come close if you pop over to "The Instant Art Critique Phrase Generator" at:


You can even get that wonderful feel of seeing your hard work in print over at:


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. We must pop over and take a look. That is well funny. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Wow! Miss Kitty has quite the vocabulary! Thanks for sharing the links - I was pretty wowed that you actually had her review in the newspaper :)

  3. I knew Miss Kitty was smart! I love that picture of them holding paws!
