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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Catching Cookies

Energetic Zachary

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Laid Back Henry

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Dog Blog Post #1152

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - August 22, 2013 - "Timing Is Everything"

… if you want to catch Cookies - or catch a dog catching Cookies.

Daily Dog Challenge "661. The Passage of Time"

… assuming you are talking VERY small increments. :)

Still not happy with how these "catching cookies" shots are turning out. On average, these might have been a bit sharper that the last time I tried (3 weeks ago - I looked it up) but it still isn't what I'm pretty sure the lens can do.

The biggest problem is the autofocus and I disagreeing on what we are trying to focus on.

I have to use the autofocus as I'm no where near the camera (being just off camera to the left pitching cookies) which is about 15-20 feet in front of the boys and triggered by a remote.

The triggering is also an issue as there are many points of failure in the process - from deciding when to toss the Cookies, when to click the remote, and how long the camera takes to focus and take the picture.

The boys throw their own variables in, as they are not consistent in their Cookie Catching Style, and whether or not they stay relatively in place or lunge to get there faster.

Not Ready For Prime Time

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies
(Why is my favorite "pose" never in focus?)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. the last one is hilarious!!! thanks for the smile tonight!!!

  2. Those are both clever and funny. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Thank you so much for a great morning giggle! The pictures are great!

  4. These are such great photos! I love them!
