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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Minions At Work

Minions At Work
Zachary: "Hup hup hup. Move along quickly."

Zachary, there's that clinking sound again. Do you hear it?

Minions At Work
Zachary: "Clinking? No... no clinking..."

Dog Blog Post #1159

Photography Assignment

Minions At Work
Henry: "But... but... those are MY Cookies!"

Minions At Work
Henry: "Momma!"

This better not be about Minions.

I've told you before, there's no such thing.

Minions At Work
Henry: "Stop. Right. There."

Minions At Work
"He he he"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. OMG! You've done it again! I have laughed out loud at every single one of these Minion pictures! How on Earth did you capture that cookie right in mid-air so perfectly?

  2. OHMYWOOF! This is the BEST thing ever. EVAR. You totally made my whole night with this. You're amazing.

  3. These photos are fantastic - I love the minions!
