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Sunday, August 25, 2013

No Mood To Play

Ok guys, an easy one tonight.

All I need is for you two to play a little Bitey-Face for me.

Henry: "I want to play tug."


I'll play tug with you after the shoot is over.

But for now, why don't you be a dear and go chew on Zachary's ear.

Zachary: "Don't want to be chewed on. Want my Lacrosse Ball."

I'll throw the ball after the shoot is over.


Now go chew on Henry.

Henry: "Got ball. No need for Zachary."

But I need Zachary in the picture, so why don't you share.

Henry: "My ball."

I got that.

What I'm missing is Zachary.


Henry: "Don't wanna share."

Dog Blog Post #1155

Photography Assignment

None. Zip. Nada.

The topics were Friends and In Action, and my plan was for a Bitey-Face shot.

Easy right?

But I was busy during the usual photography time, and by the time I picked up the camera the boys were in no mood to pay.

The Boys
"Mischief? Us? Never!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. That's right boy, Only on your terms. Like a whole box of cookies. Butt always make sure you get paid before you give in to the demands.

  2. Some 'blog stars' can be difficult!!

  3. Dogs can be stubborn, have to catch them when they are in the mood. We had a good photo shoot with our dog, Abby Dabby Doo, Saturday trying to get a good picture of her wearing a couple caps.

  4. Diva moment? Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. LOL! Adorable photos :-) Just like kids... they never do what you want them to do when you want them to do it!

  6. Aw! Poor Henry doesn't want to share! That is so cute!

  7. M just fell in love with you guys. She has a "thing" for schnauzers and Goldens.

  8. Rooooo I'm always up for a game of 'bitey face' so gimme a call next time the goldens are too sleepy *Waggy tail*

    PS. Are you entering the dog photographer of the year competition? Its free and photographers from all over the world can enter, I shared the details on my blog last week...

    Alfie - Alfie's Blog
