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Monday, September 23, 2013

Golden Caribou Club

Golden Caribou Club
Zachary: "I'm so excited they accepted my membership!"
Henry: "I look ridiculous."

Golden Caribou Club
Zachary: "Stop fussing. Look at all the Cookies!"
Henry: "Can I eat now?"

Not yet, Henry.

Zachary, did you remember to bring your acceptance speech?

Golden Caribou Club

Did you remember to WRITE an acceptance speech?

Golden Caribou Club
Henry: "If I had to wear these stupid antlers for nothing."

Dog Blog Post #1184

Photos from the semi-annual meeting of the Golden Caribou Club.

Who knew?

(Zachary on the left, Henry on the right.)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - September 23, 2013 - "Repeat"

Daily Dog Challenge "693. Red"

Golden Caribou Club
Zachary: "I'd like to thank...."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. hehehheh Golden Caribou Club. I hope you got ALL the cookies in glasses for wearing those antlers. No No you should get the whole tin of cookies as well.

  2. We agree you deserve loads of cookies for wearing those antlers. Yikes it will be soon time for the peeps to fish mine out. Shhhhh don't remind her. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. oh my gosh...lol...Zachary you didn't write your speech??? Henry wore those ridiculous antlers for nothing? This is one of your best!

  4. You two are such good models. I put a pair of glasses on Sage and was REALLY lucky the first shot was a good one. No amount of treats would have allowed a second chance!

  5. These completely cracked me up, and I think the boys win the prize for Most Tolerant Models Ever!

  6. BOL!! You guys just crack us up!!
    Wally & Sammy
