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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Minion Mischief

Minion Mischief
Henry: "Where are you two going with that?"

Minion Mischief
Henry: "Momma!"

Minion Mischief
Zachary: "Come to papa."

Zachary, you aren't getting into the treats again are you?

Minion Mischief

I'd hate to have to put you on diet Kibble again.

Minion Mischief
Zachary: (gasp) "Quick, put 'em back!"

Dog Blog Post #1176

Minions, running down an Alley of… stuff… with their stolen bag of Cookies, and it looks like the boys are on On The Right Path to get the goods!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - September 15, 2013 - "Alley"

Daily Dog Challenge "685. On The Right Path"

Minion Mischief

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Minions! You're so good around them. They don't look a bit chewed up at all

  2. Not the diet kibble! Do they dislike the flavor?

  3. Yikes not diet kibble. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Ha ha ha! Looks like Zachary found a way around that pesky diet!

  5. Minions always look so happy to do the boys' bidding. Maybe mama needs to have a talk with those minions. Put them in time out or something.
