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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Party Planning

Party Prep
Zachary: "Ok Mom, I've got the list."
Henry: "We're having a party!"

Party Prep
Zachary: "Invite Friends? Check!"

Party Prep
Zachary: "And we just ordered the Cake. Check!"

Party Prep
Zachary: "I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait!"

Dog Blog Post #1185

Looks like the boys are doing their Countdown to Friday's party for National Dog Week

See you there!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - September 24, 2013 - "Countdown"

Daily Dog Challenge "694. National Dog Week"

Party Prep
Zachary: "It's going to be so much fun!"
Henry: "But what if nobody comes?"

Behind the Scenes

Ever notice how the things that appear trivial can often be the hardest?

One boy up and the other down (required here to avoid excessive shadows) is one of the hardest poses for me to get, as they typically like to be doing the same thing.

Throw in looking away from the camera and toward a "wall", and you have a incredibly simple looking shot that was anything but simple to get.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great List! PAWTY is a MUST. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. As the official baker at my pet store, I look forward to seeing the cake!

  3. Sounds like a fun Friday! Love, love, love the photographs. Just beautiful.

  4. What proud handsome dogs. And fantastic photography!!! Can't wait to see more.

  5. Cuteness overload. I'd like to have those 2 working on my list, please. ;) Happy BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday!

  6. a 'pawty'?..are we all invited? Tucker loves to 'pawty'!!

  7. They're so organized! Do they get to taste test the cakes?

  8. Oh a pawty........nice one. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party
    I am up for a little get together.

  10. Bunny is waiting by the window for her invitation to arrive!

    Right now, it's tough for me to get Flattery to do a pose besides standing up! lol Bunny will lay down with no problem, though!

  11. I love the scholarly glasses! Is there really a pawty on Friday??? We love bloggie parties!

  12. Ordering the cake should be fun... I'm assuming you'd get to taste different kinds!

  13. Now I would invite them to a party any time!

  14. Now I would invite them to a party any time!

  15. The cake is the best part! They can plan a party for our crew anytime :)

  16. The pictures are great! And I am sure those gorgeous hosts will have plenty of guests!

  17. Great photo, I could imagine how hard it could be while the doggies are thinking of the party!

  18. The perfect To Do List accentuated by perfect dogs and captured in perfect photos. Perfection!

  19. Yay! Party time - love the pics, especially with the glasses on! ;0)

  20. I had to laugh - you two are SO MUCH more organised than us and Mum

    Miranda Kitten
