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Monday, September 2, 2013

Stress Reliever

Hey Henry, I got you guys this cool Stress Reliever ball.

Stress Reliever
Henry: "I don't have any stress."

Try it anyway.

Stress Reliever
Henry: "Oooooommmm"

Stress Reliever
Henry: "Zzzzzzzz"

Let's try Zachary instead.

Dog Blog Post #1163

The boys Relaxing while staring at their Spherical Stress Relieving Ball.

Well, at least it's spherical when cradled in your hand. It kinda squishes down when left to its own devices.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "672. Relaxing"

Our Daily Challenge - September 2, 2013 - "Spherical"

Stress Reliever
Zachary: "For me? Aw-shucks."

Stress Reliever
Zachary: "Just the thing for the next time the LEGOs strike."

Stress Reliever

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. ZZZZZZZ we can see it worked...LOL. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I wish I'd thought of that! I have a pink one here that's a little smaller and lights up. I'm with Henry on the dozing off! :)

  3. I love those thingies, they feel so soft and sproingy !
