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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Around the Corner

Henry: "Oh no! The Mini Muffins fell on the floor! What to do? What to do?"

Henry: "Think think think..."

Henry: "Momma!"

Zachary: "That's right my Minions..."

Dog Blog Post #1207

Don't let the (mini) muffins fool you. The Minions are under 5 inches "tall" and the muffins smaller than golf balls.

And yes, those are doggie muffins, each boy getting one once the shoot was over.

The Minions were sadly out of luck.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 16, 2013 - "Macro or Closeup"

Daily Dog Challenge "716. Around the Corner"

All Clear
Zachary: "The coast is clear!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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