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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Flight of Fancy

Wash Day
Zachary: "To make up for yesterday's Sheet Disaster*, we've decided to do the laundry."
Henry. "Right!"

Wash Day

Wash Day
Henry: (sniff)

Wash Day
Henry: (sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiif)

Wash Day

Dog Blog Post #1197

The boys decided to do the Washing today.

Ok… that might just be a wee bit of a Flight of Fancy on my part.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 6, 2013 - "Washing"

Daily Dog Challenge "706. Flight of Fancy"

Monday Mischief

Didn't you notice?

Mixing a rust towel with the whites???

Geez - they know better.

Wash Day
Zachary: "The situation has not improved."

*** Click link at right to see yesterday's Sheet Disaster post (aka Under Cover)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Yikes laundry means water.....no way over here....be very afraid guys. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Lucky Rosie isn't helping you. She'd have her head in the water! Great photos :-)

  3. No wonder they look somber today!

  4. it was 'wash day here' too! two baths for our boy..seems he found some new 'perfume to roll in'!

  5. Oh I wonder if I could get Moses and Alma to help with the laundry here - it's my least favourite of all housework. By a lot.

  6. Good job on the laundry friends. M said you can come over here and do hers.

  7. Are you SERIOUS?!? How do I get MY dogs to do laundry?!? Teach me! That's just brilliant.

  8. I prefer to put the muddy pawprints all ofver their clothes and watch them do all the work *waggy tail* Pawsome photos though!

