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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Three Little Pumpkins

Three Pumpkins
Henry: "I don't wanna be a Pumpkin."

Three Pumpkins
Zachary: "Do Pumpkins get Cookies like Rabbits do?" ***

Yes dear. All good Pumpkins get lots of Cookies.

Three Pumpkins
Henry: "I'm a good Pumpkin."

You're a whining Pumpkin.

Three Pumpkins
Zachary: "I'm a Happy Pumpkin. Give me Cookies."

You're a greedy Pumpkin.

Three Pumpkins
Henry: "Can we just be Dogs tomorrow?"

Dog Blog Post #1213

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - October 22, 2013 - "Seasonal Colors "

Daily Dog Challenge "722. Orange Crush"

Three Pumpkins
Zachary - One with the Pumpkins

... or possibly staring at the Cookies I accidentally dropped on the floor.

This is his focus turned up to 11.  :)

*** Confused? See yesterday's The Amazing Zachary post!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Zachary was sooo cute on the 4th photo. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Ha ha one with the pumpkin....so zen. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Best wishes Molly

  3. Love the colours, the pumpkins and the leaves....the dogs are soooo patient, they deserve all those treats!! Happy WW BlogHop from PawsandPedals

  4. Love the "one with the pumpkins". hehhe

  5. Slimdoggy Jack might have tried to eat the pumpkins! Great pictures.

  6. Ha ha ha! I'm glad they both got cookies! I really love how you set this one up. I'm a little surprised that they weren't watching for The Great Pumpkin!

  7. Oh Henry! The disappointment is written all over your face!

  8. each and every post brings a smile! thanks for that..your boyz are so accommodating, good thing you pay them well with 'cookies'!

  9. Oh Henry, I'm sure you'll be compensated for your work... you do make a lovely pumpkin!

  10. Love the pictures! Really need to work our four and posing, two have ADD and a third has her own agenda.

  11. Oh Henry, you are so photogenic. Gosh darn cute. You guys always have great WW posts!

  12. awesome golden moments! love all your photos. you captured the essence of a golden autumn.

  13. I love this time of year!
