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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mind Your Manners

Mind Your Manners

Dog Blog Post #1252

Zachary is showing how to...

Daily Dog Challenge 761. "Mind Your Manners"

... Henry? Not so much.

Our Daily Challenge Nov 30 2013 - "Order and Chaos"

In eating style, that is.

Taken with, processed, and uploaded from my iPhone while the Computer is "in the shop".

Yay! They put their "Best Genius" on it this morning and discovered that the Computer had... a bad graphics card.

Which is what we thought the problem was all along.

New card should arrive early next week, and we should be back in business shortly thereafter.

Until then, alas, I'm back to using the iPhone.

Happy Birthday Beau


Beau would have been 10 years old today.

Happy Birthday Big Dog. I miss you.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 29, 2013

On The Horizon?

Questionable Horizon

Dog Blog Post #1251

Daily Dog Challenge 760. "What Lies On The Horizon"

Our Daily Challenge Nov 29 2013 - Horizon

Taken with, processed, and uploaded from iPhone (again)


Computer died again last night. SAME symptoms as last time.


Back in the shop she goes. :(

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

Cookies to Share

Henry: "Momma, where are our Cookies going?"

Me: "To the shelter, as treats for the dogs there waiting to get a Forever Home,"

Cookies to Share

Zachary: "But those are our Cookies."

Me: "Oh, Zachary. We have LOTS of Cookies. Those doggies might not have any."

Cookies to Share

Cookies to Share

Henry: "It would be awful to not have Cookies"

Zachary: "We have lots. We won't even miss these."

Dog Blog Post #1250

The boys were…

Daily Dog Challenge "759. Giving Thanks"

… for being lucky enough to live in house with plenty of Cookies, and showing…

Our Daily Challenge - November 28, 2013 - "Compassion"

… by putting together Gift Cookie Bags of those Cookies for the local Animal Shelter for all those pets still awaiting their forever homes.

Ok… ok… these PARTICULAR bundles, while filled with real Cookies, will be staying at home. But I did just make my yearly donation to the local animal shelter, which will enable them to purchase many, many big bags of Cookies for their pets-to-be.

I've been donating half the price of our first golden Beau (all our goldens have come from the same reputable breeder of show goldens) every year to this shelter, for the past 10 years, and I must say there are few things I do that make me feel better inside. :)

The donation started as a happy compromise between my heart, as I'd adopted many wonderful cats from shelters over the years, and our love of the looks/temperament of this line of goldens.

Cookies to Share

Henry: "I think there's room for a few more bags."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Domestic Bliss

Domestic Bliss

Finish your puzzle, Zachary. Then you both can have the Cookies as a reward for a job well done.

Domestic Bliss
Henry: "I'm sure Zachary will be done in no time, right Zachary? Zachary?"
Zachary: "Cookies."

Dog Blog Post #1249

Toys and Treats - sounds like a good recipe for Domestic Bliss to me!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "758. Domestic Bliss"

Our Daily Challenge - November 27, 2013 - "Wood"

Our Daily Challenge - November 27, 2013 - "Wood"

The wooden floor was installed right after we bought the house.

The Dinosaur was raided from Son's room and was purchased years ago at a summertime fair.

The Puzzle was a gift to me from my brother even more years ago - one of those "slide the pieces around and hope the right one pops out the slot" kind of things.

The Wooden bowl is a part of a larger set and was a wedding gift. It is (by far) the oldest thing in the picture. :)

Domestic Bliss
Henry: "Momma, Zachary's not working on his puzzle."
Zachary: "Can't think. Tummy's talking too loud."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

All In A Row

For Wordless Wednesday, a story told in pictures...


The Setup


The Setup

All In A Row




Dog Blog Post #1248

I'd love to say I set up the Cookies (as Things in a Row) and then knocked them over on purpose for the Imperfect Moments Challenge but that would be a lie.

I must have set this puppies up at least half a dozen times - knocking them over myself accidentally somewhere along the way (and snapping a picture here and there) - before I finally got them all up.

The boys never touched them nor caused them to fall over.

Not even once!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "757. Imperfect Moments"

Our Daily Challenge - November 26, 2013 - "Things in a Row"

Blue Buffalo* Turkey Biscuits - one of the boys favorites!

*No affiliation - just the Mom of a pair of Happy Customers

All In A Row

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 25, 2013

All Dressed Up

Look right...

All Dressed Up

... and left...

All Dressed Up


Let's try hats.

All Dressed Up

Very nice!

Dog Blog Post #1247

The Holidays are fast approaching and it looks like the boys are off to their first black tie event of the season.

Daily Dog Challenge "756. Add A Little Flair"

Our Daily Challenge - November 25, 2013 - "Sometimes They Sparkle"

Fabric, that is.

I'm pretty sure the boys sparkle all the time. :)

Bad Idea

I know - shades!!!

Bad Idea

Ok. Maybe not shades.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Liquid Refreshment

Dinner For Two?
Zachary: "Oh waitress!"
Henry: "Two of your finest waters, please."

Dinner For Two?
Zachary: "Oh, I hope the food is good here."
Henry: "You inhale your food. I'm not sure you even taste it,"

Dinner For Two?
Zachary: "Henry, you did remember to bring the money, didn't you?"

Dinner For Two?

Dog Blog Post #1246

The boys, sporting their Home Made collars and enjoying a bit of Liquid refreshment.

Zachary's collar (barely visible - although I've used it many times in the past) is constructed from 4" wired ribbon, and took me about 2 minutes to fashion.

Henry's collar is needlepoint on plastic mesh canvas. This was my first effort with this particular needlecraft, and I found it both simple and relaxing.

It definitely took a bit longer to create (understatement!) but kept my hands busy while I enjoyed my Sunday (American) football games.

Stop on by Zachary and Henry's blog: bzdogs.com

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "755. Home Made"

Our Daily Challenge - November 24, 2013 - "Liquid"

Monday Mischief

Once again - best shot of the shoot, and the Photographer ruins it…

Dinner For Two?

… by getting her shadow in the way.

Fancy Dog Collar

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

The Gift

Dog Blog Post #1245

Some shoots need no words.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "754. Surprise"

Our Daily Challenge - November 23, 2013 - "Gift"

The Gift

Editor's Note

Ok… maybe just a few words, before I get concerned comments wondering what the heck was in the bag to elicit that response.

Well, uh… nothing.

Not really, at least.

There was a roll of fabric in the bottom to keep the bag from collapsing, and in the shots where the boys were obviously peering (or going) in the bag then there were Cookies inside.

The rest of the time I was on the left tossing Cookies and trying to snap the pictures right after the Cookie left my hand, so I would get eyes/ears (i.e. "Surprise") without the open mouth.

Experience has shown that the very last thing they do when catching Cookies is open their mouths. Which means, somewhat counterintuitively, if I miss a wide open mouth in Catching Cookies shots, it's because I snapped the shutter too soon and not (what I thought for many shoots) too late.

Yes, I did experiments at some point after blowing it for the umpteenth time.

I tossed Cookies to Zachary - who is VERY reliable catching them no matter how bad my toss - and varied my click from immediately after releasing the Cookie until it was clearly too late. And yup, he waited until what seems like the last possible moment before opening wide.

Henry is even later to open, which probably explains why he misses so many.

Oh - so where are the Cookies? I cloned them away from #4 and #7 - the only shots where they appeared. I'm guessing #5 (tongue shot) was taken AFTER the Cookie was caught. I couldn't find the Cookie in #3 and #6, although there probably was one, based on the boys expressions.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 22, 2013

Christmas Bunnies?

Ok guys, time for Christmas pictures.

Why don't you go get your Christmas outfits on.

Mixed Symbols
"Cheesy Burgers!"

Uh, guys? That's a really nice smile,  but Bunnies are for Easter, not Christmas.

Mixed Symbols
(blink blink blink)

Mixed Symbols
Henry: "Ha ha ha… I knew that."
Zachary: "I think we need to champion the poor under-represented Rabbit demographic during the…"

Henry, zip it.

Zachary, go get your antlers on.

Mixed Symbols
Zachary: "Hate Antlers."

No Antlers, no Cookies.

Merry Christmas
Zachary: "Oh… boy…. Antlers… yay."
Henry: "Hate Antlers."

Dog Blog Post #1244

Just as Bunnies go with Easter and Turkeys with Thanksgiving, Reindeer are Symbolic of the Christmas season.

I can only think of one prop that the boys visibly dislike - and this is it, the dreaded Reindeer Antlers. 

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "753. Symbolic"

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 22, 2013 - "Symbol"

Merry Christmas

Oh the joys of Christmas Pictures.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Zachary: "Fearsome Face!"



Zachary: "Gonna get ya!"

Zachary: "Below the belt! Below the belt!!!"

Dog Blog Post #1243

The boys use Unspoken Words like the Bendy skin on Zachary's muzzle in the top two shots, to show each other they want to play.

Those versed in dog expressions will note the soft eyes, the relaxed ears (not pinned back), and lips (not pulled up or forward in a snarl) and conclude they're having a great time.

And they would be right!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "752. "Unspoken Words"

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 21, 2013 - "Bendy"

Happy Zachary
Zachary: "Let's do it again!"

For some reason ALL of today's shots were mainly of Zachary.

I have no idea why, as Henry was obviously there and playing just as hard and having just as much fun.

Just luck of the shutter, I suppose.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved