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Friday, November 22, 2013

Christmas Bunnies?

Ok guys, time for Christmas pictures.

Why don't you go get your Christmas outfits on.

Mixed Symbols
"Cheesy Burgers!"

Uh, guys? That's a really nice smile,  but Bunnies are for Easter, not Christmas.

Mixed Symbols
(blink blink blink)

Mixed Symbols
Henry: "Ha ha ha… I knew that."
Zachary: "I think we need to champion the poor under-represented Rabbit demographic during the…"

Henry, zip it.

Zachary, go get your antlers on.

Mixed Symbols
Zachary: "Hate Antlers."

No Antlers, no Cookies.

Merry Christmas
Zachary: "Oh… boy…. Antlers… yay."
Henry: "Hate Antlers."

Dog Blog Post #1244

Just as Bunnies go with Easter and Turkeys with Thanksgiving, Reindeer are Symbolic of the Christmas season.

I can only think of one prop that the boys visibly dislike - and this is it, the dreaded Reindeer Antlers. 

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "753. Symbolic"

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 22, 2013 - "Symbol"

Merry Christmas

Oh the joys of Christmas Pictures.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. BOL we knew the antlers would appear soon ... big sigh....but you look well cute. Guys hope you got cookies.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hahahah they are absolutly amazing ... nice photos


  3. Well look at you. You have reminded Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, that it soon be that time.

    Oh deer, before I rabbit on, I shall now leave....

    Penny's alleged human,


  4. Oh you guys are just too too cute. How about wearing a turkey tail? he he

  5. Love the last one! Hanging head in humiliation. We would rip those antlers to shreds, but you do look adorable!

  6. Love the last one! Hanging head in humiliation. We would rip those antlers to shreds, but you do look adorable!
