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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag

Dog Blog Post #1027

Our Daily Challenge Nov 5 2013 - Customs:

Asking for a "Doggie Bag" to get your leftovers packaged up to go from a restaurant.

Even if you don't actually have a Doggie.

Daily Dog Challenge 736. Whose Got The Look

Can't resist them. :)

So where have all my backdrops gone?

Well, the itty bitty iPhone lens includes sooooooo much of my Kitchen (uh "studio") that my backdrops simply aren't aren't big enough to provide cover.

In fact, today's shots show the ENTIRE width of my Kitchen (uh "studio") across the back.

Taken with, processed, and uploaded from iPhone while Computer is "in the shop".

Still no word.

Twiddle Twiddle Twiddle

Doggie Bag

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Wow no drool? We so would be drooling. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You're doing one heck of a job with the phone!

  3. Zachary, in the last photo, looks like he too is disgusted with waiting for the computer! LOL! My goodness I can't believe the quality of these pics with the phone.
