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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Then and Now

Then and Now

Then and Now

Then and Now

Then and Now

Dog Blog Post #1028

Our weathered Garden Retriever with antique lantern posing with the boys sporting a LED head lamp.

Our Daily Challenge Nov 6 2013 - Weathered

Daily Dog Challenge 737. Then and Now

Taken with, processed, and uploaded from iPhone while Computer is "in the shop".

Been six days "in the shop". The Geniuses were supposed to call me with the verdict in 3-5 days. No word so I called them this morning after they had run days worth of automated tests. Turns out they haven't even started. "But hey, you're first on the list! Should get to it in a DAY OR TWO."


Then and Now

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. argh tech support don't sound very supportive!

  2. LOL mining for cookies? Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hey I have a head lamp like that. I use mine when we are back packing. Do you want me to bite the computer dudes to motivate them?

  4. "Sic 'em, boys!"
    Well of course you'd never sic the boys on the Geniuses but I bet you'd like to!

  5. Ha ha ha! That is golden! I love it, and the shots turned out SO cute!
