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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In With The New

In With The New
Henry: "114 Pictures in 2014?"
Zachary: "Yup"

In With The New
Henry: "I'm exhausted just looking at the list."
Zachary: "Amateur."

Dog Blog Post #1282

After reflecting on how pathetic last year's efforts were for one of the year-list challenge groups, the boys decided to print THIS year's list out early and start planning for it.

That is, right after they finish their beverage and cookies.

Oh dear, I think Henry might already have dozed off!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "792. Party Animal"

Our Daily Challenge - December 31, 2013 - "Reflection and Planning"

Party Animals

Come on Zachary… smile!

Party Animals


In With The New

It's going to be a long year...

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 30, 2013

Out With The Old

Out With The Old

Giving up Cat Chasing? What a great idea for a New Year's Resolution!

Out With The Old
Zachary: "We are soooooo excited about it."
Henry: (censored)

I'm sure you'll feel a lot better about yourselves.

Out With The Old
Zachary: (sigh)
Henry: "Resolutions were made to be broken, right Momma?"


Out With The Old
Henry: "Just kidding."
Zachary: "Sooooo excited."

Dog Blog Post #1281

With the end of the year Drawing To A Close the boys decided one of their Canine Resolutions will be to put a certain (unsavory) pastime behind them.

We'll see how long THAT lasts.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 30, 2013 - "Drawing To A Close"

Daily Dog Challenge "791. Canine Resolutions"

Truth in Advertising

Ok… I confess...

Out With The Old
Henry: "Unjustly accused!'

… the boys don't actually chase cats, because:

(a) They don't have the opportunity unless the cat next door for some reason decided she needed exercise and hopped the fence -and-
(b) They are always on leash when outside the yard

Experience has shown that when on the walk, while they are very interested in their smaller and very distant relatives, unless the cat is stupid enough to bolt across the sidewalk within inches of their noses the boys are all curiosity and no action.

(Yes, the bolting thing happened once, and all that resulted was Henry dancing around for a few moments before settling back down again. Zachary was oblivious.)

I've also walked them past a brave/stupid cat that quietly held it's ground just a foot or so away without incident. Shrubs prevented me from deviating from the sidewalk where kitty was crouched. I have no idea what her excuse for not moving was, as she got up and ambled away right after we passed by.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Neither Path nor Peeper Be

Cookie Path
Henry: "A Cookie Path?"

Yes, sweetie.

Why don't you lay down and open your eyes really wide for me.

Cookie Path?
(blink blink blink)


Cookie Path
Henry: "Light bright."


Cookie Path
Zachary: "Like this?"


Cookie Path
Zachary: "Like this?"


(Monday Mischief: Well it would have been if I had set up my lighting properly, which obviously I hadn't. Sigh)

Dog Blog Post #1280

As a matchbox track is not really a Pathway and the boys either declined to open their Peepers or the photographer blew the lighting, today's shoot was pretty much a total write-off.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "790. Those Peepers"

Our Daily Challenge - December 29, 2013 - "Pathways"

Divide and Conquer


Petting Path?
Zachary Peeper

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 28, 2013

All Mixed Up

… and then Zachary suddenly burst into song

Puzzle Pups

Zachary, that's your own rear paw you just grabbed.

Nope… don't want to know what caused Henry to make this face...

… but clearly Zachary's getting an earful about it.

Dog Blog Post #1279

For the most part, Zachary is the one who is upside-down.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 28, 2013 - "All Mixed Up"

Daily Dog Challenge "789. A Day In The Life"

All Done
All done.

Yup, new lens works for Bitey-Face shots, too. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 27, 2013

Let There Be Light

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

Dog Blog Post #1278

Let There Be Light decreed the challenge, so I pulled out my Something New Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G lens and had a go trying to capture Christmas lights.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 27, 2013 - "Let There Be Light"

Daily Dog Challenge "788. Something New"

A Modeling Pro

Miss Kitty is always patient when I'm trying out new things...

Christmas Kitty

Christmas Kitty

Behind the Scenes

The Christmas Light arrangement on the black velvet backdrop...

Behind the Scenes

They were draped over binder clips attached to the top of the backdrop, and allowed to fall in long closely-spaced swags.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Looking Back

Quiet Moments
Henry: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful..."

Quiet Moments
Henry: "… with a cuddly squishy face..."

Quiet Moments
Henry: "… and luxuriously thick, soft fur."

Dog Blog Post #1277

Photography Assignment

Today's topics…

Daily Dog Challenge "787. Quiet Moments"

Our Daily Challenge - December 26, 2013 - "Looking Back"

… were taken quite literally, and with my new Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G Micro lens.

Thank you Hubby! :)

A Somewhat Different Interpretation

Quiet Moments
Zachary: "Real dogs wear straw hats."

Quiet Moments
Zachary: "You have a problem with that?"

Aren't Micro (Macro) Lenses For Close-Ups?

Why, yes they are...

Big Paw

FWIW: What Canon (and quite possibly the rest of the photography world) calls "Macro" Nikon labels "Micro". That is, a lens good for close-up photography, although it (obviously) can take "regular" pictures, too. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mess? What Mess?

Too Much
Henry: "Oooo! What's this?"
Zachary: "Let me guess…"

Too Much
Zachary: "Wrapping paper, perhaps?"
Henry: "It landed down here somewhere."

Too Much
Zachary: "You're going to get a paper cut on your tongue."
Henry: "Almost got it."

Too Much
Henry: "Ouch!"
Zachary: "Told you so."

Dog Blog Post #1276

You can never have Too Much wrapping paper to help make Christmas Merry and Bright.

And yes, the boys LOVE to shred the paper after we've unwrapped the presents.

The wait patiently in front of the present-unwrapper for the paper to be tossed to them, then tug and shred and toss the paper around until the next present is unwrapped.

Nothing quite like picking wet, soggy bits of wrapping paper up from all around the house. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 25, 2013 - "Too Much"

Mess? What Mess?
"Mess? What mess?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Night Before Christmas

Night Before Christmas

Night Before Christmas

Dog Blog Post #1275

Christmas Dreams - what is your dog dreaming of or hoping for today?

Look at those big eyes.

I think the boys are hoping that morning comes quickly so they can open their presents!

As for me, I'm Grateful for… the wonderful year*** I had with my favorite Canine Models, and hoping that this coming year will be just as fine.

*** Except for that whole Computer-Not-Working thing last month. I could have done without that.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "785. Christmas Dreams - what is your dog dreaming of or hoping for today?"

Our Daily Challenge - December 24, 2013 - "Grateful for…"

Night Before Christmas

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday Essentials

So what do you two think are the Essentials for a Happy Holiday?

Holiday Essentials
Zachary: "Family."
Henry: "Food."

Holiday Essentials
Zachary: "And friends - even if they are a kitty."
Henry: "And Food."

Holiday Essentials
Zachary: "And Food."
Henry: "Finally."

Holiday Essentials
Henry: "Momma? Why is Miss Kitty falling over?"
Zachary: "She probably got into the Catnip again."

Dog Blog Post #1274

Uncle Zachary and his nephew Henry decided that for For A Happy Holiday You Need ______ … Family, Food, and Friends.

Since the Photographer decided the real answer was Football, and relegated today's photo shoot until after her 49ers won (Go Niners!) the boys are looking less than enthused.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 784. For A Happy Holiday You Need ______"

Our Daily Challenge - December 23, 2013 - "Essential"

Zachary and Friend
Zachary: "One in every crowd."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Wrong Ball

Wrong Ball
Zachary: "Ball!"

Wrong Ball
Zachary: "Almost got it."

Wrong Ball
Zachary: "Tastes funny."

Dog Blog Post #1273

Not sure this Glass Christmas Ball, being Fragile or Delicate is the sort of Ball the boys were hoping for.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - December 22, 2013 - "Glass"

Daily Dog Challenge "783. Fragile or Delicate"

Wrong Ball
Henry: "Not edible..."

Wrong Ball
Henry: "… not interesting."

Henry: "What?"

Monday Mischief

Isn't trying to eat the Christmas Ball good enough?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved