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Friday, January 31, 2014

Blooper Day

Admitting defeat for the day, I chose one of the better "blooper" shots as the Shot Of The Day...

Dogs Love Trucks

… as the rest were pretty much write-offs due to bad exposure - caused by the camera giving way too much importance to that little bit of shiny chrome by the Truck's cab…

Dogs Love Trucks

Dogs Love Trucks

… or that darned antenna being poorly placed (in pretty much EVERY shot)…

Dogs Love Trucks

Dogs Love Trucks

Dog Blog Post #1314

Alas, neither problem was readily apparent on the little LCD screen at the time I was shooting. :(

In all shots, Zachary is on the left and Henry on the right.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 29, 2014 - "Planes, Trains or Automobiles"

Yup - raided Son's room again.

Daily Dog Challenge 823. "On The Go"

What dog doesn't like to chase RC cars?

On the Bright Side…

The Truck itself was quite photogenic...

Toy Truck

Toy Truck

Toy Truck Tire

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Golden Party

Golden Party
Zachary: "I'm a King!"
Henry: "I'm dressed like a girl."

No, Henry, no.

You're a Knight in Shining Armor.

Golden Party
Henry: "Sir Henry?"
Zachary: "In a dress."

Most definitely the Brave and Valiant Sir Henry.

Golden Party
Henry: "I'm Brave and Valuable."
Zachary: "And wearing a dress."


Brave and Valiant.

Golden Party
Henry: "Sir Henry the Valuable!"
Zachary: "Still think it looks like a dress."

That's right sweetie - King Zip It and Sir Henry the Valuable.

Time Passes…

Golden Party
"Row row row your bone..."

Dog Blog Post #1313

The boys are all dressed up to raise a Golden Cup at their Golden Party.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 30, 2014 - "Cup"

Daily Dog Challenge 822. "Name Your Party"

Treasure Beyond Compare

Cookie Closeup

Cookie Closeup

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Puzzled Pups

Puzzle Pups
Zachary: "Done."
Henry: "Look at the pretty colors."

Puzzle Pups
"Cookie time!"

No Cookies until you BOTH have finished your puzzles.

Puzzle Pups
Zachary: "But… but… but…"
Henry: "Hmmm"

Zachary: "This is so unfair."
Henry: "Look at the pretty colors."

Puzzle Pups
Zachary: "Not fair, Mom! Henry just feel asleep!"

Dog Blog Post #1312

Compared to yesterday's game of Bitey-Face, today's activity was very Tranquil.

… and yes, I raided Son's room for the Cubes.

There must a be a dozen in all shapes, sizes and colors to choose from!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 29, 2014 - "Tranquil"

Daily Dog Challenge 821. "Puzzle It Out"

Cube Closeup

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


As the past few shoots were rather involved, I decided to give the boys the day off.

No big surprise how they spent their "free" time…





… of course they still insisted on their nightly allotment of Modeling Cookies!

Dog Blog Post #1311

A simple game of Bitey-Face Altered my mild-mannered Goldens into something… else.

But only in photos.

In real life they are typically laying on their backs and gently waving their paws at each other while spending the vast majority of their time comparing Fearsome Faces.

Because of that, images #1, 3, 5, and 6 were rotated for increased fierceness (above) or goofiness (below).

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 27, 2014 - "Altered"

Daily Dog Challenge 820. "Fill the Frame"

Golden Goofballs



-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sharp Dressed Dog

Sharp Dressed Dog
Henry: "Now this is more like it."

A pleasant change from yesterday's prison garb?

Sharp Dressed Dog
Henry: "Shhhh… don't remind them."

Sharp Dressed Dog
Zachary: "Did somebody say prison? Mr. Zachary Esq. Attorney-at-law at your service."

Weren't you wearing stripes yesterday?

Sharp Dressed Dog
Zachary: "Assistant - hand me one of those Slander Lawsuits."

Dog Blog Post #1310

Every girl's crazy 'bout a Sharp dressed dog.

Just ask ZZ Top. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 27, 2014 - "Sharp"

Daily Dog Challenge 819. "A Telling Portrait"

Good looking but a touch informal - either from his natural Bed Head fur or with the addition of sun glasses - that's Henry.

Turned out immaculately with an understated elegance - that's Zachary.

Photographer's Favorite

Mr. Zachary
A simple yet elegant and very accurate portrait of Mr. Zachary

Two Dogs Two Looks

Sharp Dressed Dog

Mr. Zachary

So alike and yet so very different.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jail Bird Dogs

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "This is so humiliating."
Zachary: "You'll be fine."

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "Here, let me help you with that."
Zachary: "Thanks."

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "Oh, the indignity of it all."
Zachary: "Really, it's not that bad."

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "I want my lawyer."
Zachary: "I am your lawyer."

Dog Blog Post #1309

Today's challenge combo was a real challenge, and I ended up with:

Song: "Stripes"

A country song about a woman who catches her man in bed with another woman…

"The only thing keepin' me from losin' my head

Is I hate stripes and orange ain't my color
And if I squeeze that trigger tonight
I'll be wearin' one or the other
There's no crime of passion worth a crime of fashion
The only thing savin' your life
Is that I don't look good in orange and I hate stripes"

Sung by Brandy Clark


Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 26, 2014 - "The Color Orange"

Daily Dog Challenge 818. "Song Title"

Monday Mischief

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "Momma is going to be so disappointed."
Zachary: "Mom made us do it."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Zachary: "Hello?"

Who is it?

Zachary: "How rude."


Zachary: "They hung up."

Time Passes…

Henry: "Hello?"

Who is it?

Henry: "Oh, bother."


It's For You
Zachary: "Telemarketers."

Dog Blog Post #1308

The boys and Bear trying out an old form of Communication.

No, I didn't scrounge in Son's room for props today.

Bear is mine and has been with me the past 35 years, more or less. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 25, 2014 - "Communication"

Daily Dog Challenge 817. "Something Old"


Bear's Eye View
Bear's Eye View

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 24, 2014

Something New

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "Uh oh"

Something New
Zachary: "Mom!"

Something New
Zachary: "That's more like it."

Something New
Zachary: "Don't see THIS everyday, now do ya?"

Dog Blog Post #1307

A Brand New prop, fresh from our trip to Disneyland and definitely Something New.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 24, 2014 - "Brand New"

Daily Dog Challenge 816. "Something New"

Something New
Henry: "Who turned out the lights?"

Something New
Henry: "Wait… I smell Cookies."

Something New
Henry: "See ya!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved