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Friday, January 31, 2014

Blooper Day

Admitting defeat for the day, I chose one of the better "blooper" shots as the Shot Of The Day...

Dogs Love Trucks

… as the rest were pretty much write-offs due to bad exposure - caused by the camera giving way too much importance to that little bit of shiny chrome by the Truck's cab…

Dogs Love Trucks

Dogs Love Trucks

… or that darned antenna being poorly placed (in pretty much EVERY shot)…

Dogs Love Trucks

Dogs Love Trucks

Dog Blog Post #1314

Alas, neither problem was readily apparent on the little LCD screen at the time I was shooting. :(

In all shots, Zachary is on the left and Henry on the right.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - January 29, 2014 - "Planes, Trains or Automobiles"

Yup - raided Son's room again.

Daily Dog Challenge 823. "On The Go"

What dog doesn't like to chase RC cars?

On the Bright Side…

The Truck itself was quite photogenic...

Toy Truck

Toy Truck

Toy Truck Tire

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Actually love the bloopers. You should make it a regular feature. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Bloopers are fun to see. I know what you mean about the little screen.

  3. isn't that annoying when you get a great photo and something small like an antenna gets in the way

  4. We just love your bloopers!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  5. I actually think they turned out pretty cute. You are more critical of them than I am, and I understand that. Still, it's a learning curve!
