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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reading the News

Reading the News
Zachary: "I wonder what's in the News today?"

Reading the News
Zachary: (sniff sniff sniff)

Reading the News
Zachary: "… moving on to page two."
(sniff sniff sniff)

Reading the News
Zachary: "Hey Mom, you'll never guess what I just learned!"

Dog Blog Post #1298

One of the best things about Home Sweet Home is being able to catch up on The News - at least the Local Edition.


Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 806. "Home Sweet Home"

Our Daily Challenge - January 15, 2014 - "The News"

Reading the News
Henry: (sniff sniff sniff)

Reading the News
Henry: "Hey, who took the funnies?"

Up Close and Personal

The birdhouse was hand crafted by a friend of my Mom.

Isn't it adorable!

The boys were quite taken with it, spending considerable amount of time sniffing both back and front.

Fire Hydrant Bird House

Fire Hydrant Bird House

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. So cute and I love the birdhouse, although it would look funny having a fire hydrant up in a tree!

  2. Wow that is one cool birdhouse. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. These turned out SO cute, and you are really lucky to have such a cute prop! I love that birdhouse!

  4. That birdhouse is really creative. Are you going to put it outside or keep it in to stay pretty?

  5. Love the birdhouse. Licks from Laika.
