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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolution: Helping Out

Helping Out
Zachary: "Hey Mom! This year one of my resolutions is to help you out with the laundry."

Helping Out
Zachary: "One!"

Helping Out
Zachary: "Two!"

Helping Out
Zachary: "Three!"

Helping Out
Zachary: "Four! Oops! I'll get it."

Dog Blog Post #1283

Looks like one of the boys resolutions this year is to help out more around the house.

What good boys!

-- Yes, Zachary will actually fill a basket with laundry on cue, either from the floor or from the dryer.

He will also empty a basket, either onto the floor or into the dryer.

He loves this trick and gets very excited when asked to perform it. :)

I should add that there is a reason I use towels as props, since this is not the trick for laundry that doesn't like to get a bit… damp.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "793. Starting Fresh"

Our Daily Challenge - January 1, 2014 - "Resolution"

What About Henry?

Helping Out
Henry: "Hmmm"

Helping Out
Henry: (sigh)

Helping Out
Henry: "All done."

Truth in advertising: Henry doesn't  know how to fill/empty a laundry basket.

What Henry does know is how to sit and hold things in his mouth - a trick Zachary has never mastered being a very busy dog with no time to do… well… nothing.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Doesn't matter, Henry is still a big bundle of love...LOL.

  2. I love how you used both their strengths to get these adorable shots! Zachary seems like a very handy guy to have around! :)

  3. Tucker loves to carry things..umbrellas, bottles,a ball, his leash! all the while with his tail in the air and as proud as can be!!..a golden through and through
