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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blind Sniff Test

Taste Test
Zachary: "What do you mean, 'Wait'?"

I need to get the blindfolds.

Taste Test
Henry: "She's going to blindfold the Cookies?"
Zachary: "I have no idea."

Taste Test
Henry: "Is that so they can't see us when we eat them?"

No sweetie, it's so you won't be swayed by appearance.

Ok… hold still...

Blind Taste Test

Yes, now.

Blind Sniff Test
(sniff sniff sniff)

Dog Blog Post #1330

Two different brands of Cookies were placed in identical Containers. I wonder Which One they will choose?

FWIW: The dish on the left contains Blue Buffalo Health Bars (Pumpkin and Cinnamon) and the one on the right has Mother Hubbard's Assorted Small Biscuits.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - February 17, 2014 - "Containers"

Daily Dog Challenge 839. "Which One?"



Blind Sniff Test
Henry: "They don't smell any different."
Zachary: "I know. Just humor her and pick one."

Which did they choose?

Both, of course!

And since I know somebody will ask, "Yes", they really were blindfolded and, "No", they weren't bothered in the least with it.

In fact, they acted no different after I put them on than before.

Oh, and "Yes", they each got some of both types of Cookies when the shoot was done.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. We were holing both over here LOL. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Such tolerant doggies. They'll humor you because they trust you--and because snacks are involved.

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  3. Such good boys. You should be proud!!

  4. Oh yes I have been subjected to the blindfold. Nutty I tell you. The important part is you got have both cookies.

  5. Yummi cookies. And I love you amuses your mom with the blindfold.

  6. Oh hilarious! They're so well trained! I'm wondering which they would have chosen if there was a bowl of Jones beef liver taffies. Heh. Just kidding. They'd have chosen the beef liver.

  7. Bunny and Flattery say they're available the next time you need a cookie taste test! The boys are SUCH good sports!

  8. This trick is NOT happening at my house! Good work boys!
