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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cloud K-9

Cloud K-9
Zachary: "Hark the herald angels sing, 'Cookies just for you I bring!'"

A bit out of season, aren't we?

Cloud K-9
Zachary: "Cookies are NEVER out of season. Yum!"

Cloud K-9
Henry: "Did somebody say Cookies?"

Cloud K-9
Henry: "Momma! Momma! Momma! The Angels are bringing Cookies!"

I don't think Zachary was being serious, dear.

Cloud K-9
Henry: "Disillusioned again."

Cloud K-9
Zachary: "There are no Zachary's on this cloud."

Dog Blog Post #1327

The boys, with wings, on their very own little cloud.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "836. "Dreamy"

Our Daily Challenge - February 13, 2014 - "Clouds"

Angel Feathers

Angel Feathers

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh no don't be disillusioned as today surely there will be cookies. Happy Valentine's Day to you and may you and your family have a fabulous day.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Great minds think so much alike! Ha! I love your wings and actually prefer them to mine. I like the black backdrop, too. I hope the boys are enjoying some heart shaped cookies today! :)
