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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Canine Mardi Gras

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "Uh oh - with a bowl that big you KNOW it's going to be something horrible."

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "I knew it."
Henry: "I'm a Bird Dog!"

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "Hey, where did the sparkly backdrop go?"
Henry: "It couldn't compete with us in our finery."

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "I am soooo above this."
Henry: "Just smile so we can get the Cookies."

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "Not a chance."
Henry: "You might be right this time."

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: "Then again…"
Henry: "Looking pretty good."

Dog Blog Post #1346

The boys needed a big bowl of Encouragement to wear their Canine Mardi Gras finery!

And yes, of course they partook of many Cookies when I was done!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - March 04, 2014 - "Encouragement"

Daily Dog Challenge 855. "Canine Mardi Gras"

Canine Mardi Gras
Zachary: (sniff sniff sniff)
Henry: "We better get a LOT this time."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh, thank you for a good laugh tonight! Boys, you're heroes in my book!

  2. how did you get them to lay by all those treats? my photo would be of them chowing down. :)

  3. Pawesome photos, I love those mardi gras masks!

  4. Happy Mardi Gras golden boys and we so hope you got those treats. You both look fabulous. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Super cute! My sisters and I had to deal with those crazy masks yesterday too, but we hear we look cute just like you two! http://mygbgvlife.com/2014/03/04/mardi-gras

  6. Looking good guys... ready to party!

  7. I love your pictures! Beautiful doggies!

  8. Looks like you guys had a great Mardi Gras. Not everyone gets such a big bowl of treats :) I love the costumes!

  9. Well with there costumes they certainly seem to be going to some Brazilian carnival or so..LOL Definitely your dogs' pictures some the cutest pics I've across across. :D

  10. Thank you so much for the laugh today. It's been a rough week and I really needed it! The most awesome Wordless Wednesday ever.

  11. Those were pretty tame compared to some of the costumes I saw at Mardi Gras here in St. Louis, guys!
