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Friday, March 21, 2014


Henry: "Dinner!"

Zachary: "Dinner!"

Henry: "Weeeee!"

Zachary: "Happy Day!"

Zachary: "Dinner!"

Dog Blog Post #1363

Dinner is always greeted with a Hop, Skip, and Jump, plus a spin or two, and a general getting In The Way of my actually reaching their bowls to fill them.

(And yes, for those keeping score at home, those really are their bowls this time - not props.)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - March 21, 2014 - "Hop, Skip, and Jump"

Daily Dog Challenge 872. "In The Way"

Gratuitous Tail Shot - Because Folks Wanted To See More Of Them

Henry: "Worked up an appetite."

And yes, they normally do eat side-by-side but this was just a random setup shot taken to make sure the lighting / bowl spacing was good.

They'd actually just finished their real dinner right before the shoot.

Here, Henry had just strolled over to see if the bowls had anything in them.

Alas, there wasn't.

Fortunately, there were plenty of Cookies in my hand to keep him and Zachary happy and hopping.

What? I feed and THEN shoot?

Yes, otherwise ever-dieting Zachary acts famished and is way too distracted by the modeling treats to be a good model. It doesn't seem to effect Henry one way or the other.

Henry is always just… Henry.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy dance here too as that is the best word apart from Walkies. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. ohhhh they should do dancing with stars - maybe a dancing with dogs tv series :)

  3. Dinner time is always an important time in our house too. I love the hop!
