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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Golden Treasure

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "What's my most Precious Treasure?"

Golden Treasure
Zachary: "Why my Lacrosse Ball, of course."

Golden Treasure
Zachary: "What else could it possibly be?"

Golden Treasure
Henry: "It could be a soft Wooly Ball."

Golden Treasure
Henry: "That makes a wonderful pillow."

Dog Blog Post #1350

Each boy has his own definition of Precious Treasure and both respect the other's preference.

Zachary carries a Lacrosse Ball around and then happily chew, chew, chews on it when he lays down.

Henry carries his soft toys around and really does use them as pillows when he lays down.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 859. "Precious"

Our Daily Challenge - March 8, 2014 - "Treasure"

Golden Treasure
Henry: "Would you like to try it?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Wow wooly ball is hooge and sure looks like a great pillow Henry.
    Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You two have the best treasures! A soft cuddly pillow would be perfect right now.
