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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Zachary!

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Zachary: "What's up Mom?
Henry: "Why the pointy hats?"

Today is Zachary's 6th Birthday.

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Zachary: "Yay! It's my Birthday!"
Henry: "Yay! It's my Birthday!"

Henry, it's just Zachary's Birthday. Yours is in July.

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Zachary: "Yay! It's my Birthday!"
Henry: (whimper)

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Zachary: "That's ok, pup. I'll share with ya."
Henry: "You're the best."

Dog Blog Post #1354

Zachary (left) chose to celebrate his 6th Birthday with a Simple arrangement of a Variety of his favorite Cookies - plus his Bestest Friend Henry to share them with.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 863. "Simple"

Our Daily Challenge - March 12, 2014 - "Variety"

Happy Birthday Zachary!
Zachary: "I think Cookies smell better without the pointy hat."
Henry: "No arguments here."

Happy Birthday Zachary!
"Cheesy Burgers!"

… which is exactly what they both had as a Special Birthday Treat tonight.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy Birthday, Zachary! May you be entertaining us with your Minions, great style, charm and good looks for many years to come!

  2. A big warm happy birthday Zachary. We hope you have a day filled with fun and lots of treats. Make it a good one.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. happy happy birthday Zachary!! such a houndsome 6 year old you are!!!
