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Friday, March 7, 2014

Kisses for Sale

Kisses for Sale
Zachary: "Who would pay $5 to kiss a Cat?"
Henry: "Not me!"

Time Passes…

Eh hem… what are you doing???

Kisses for Sale
Zachary: "He he he… oh, just… modeling… signs?"
Henry: "Want a kiss?"

Love should be given freely.

Kisses for Sale
Zachary: "Sorry, Mom."
Henry: "Sorry, Momma."
Miss Kitty: (silence)

No need to be sorry, Henry. You're sign says free.

More Time Passes…

Eh hem… why are you still sitting there?

Kisses for Sale
Henry: "You said I was fine because my kisses were free."
Zachary: "My kisses ARE free. I just charge tax."
Miss Kitty: (silence)

Dog Blog Post #1349

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 858. "Selling It"

Our Daily Challenge - March 7, 2014 - "Small, Smaller, Smallest"

(Price, that is)

Miss Kitty

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOL golden dudes you are funny and we send kisses your way and lots of them.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. LOL golden dudes you are funny and we send kisses your way and lots of them.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Typical cat - always demanding the most :) :) :)

  4. It figures that the cat WOULD keep quiet about the fact that she's charging $5 for kisses. Hey, we'd pay $2 to kiss you guys!! :)

  5. I wonder if you guys have bad breath since you are cheaper with the kisses than the cat. Ok never mind. I want to kiss anyway, just not with the cat.
