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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pot of Gold

Pot of Gold
Zachary: "Look what we found!"
Henry: "Can we eat it?"

All of it???

Pot of Gold
Zachary: "Well, yeah."
Henry: "Pleeeeeeease."

Oh dear.

Dog Blog Post #1358

Looks like the boys found a giant pot of Cookies!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 867. "Go Big or Go Home"

Our Daily Challenge - March 16, 2014 - "Green"

Monday Mischief

This background fabric...

Pot of Gold

… needs to be disposed of. I have YET to take a decent picture with it. The bluish tinge to the green clashes horrible with the boys golden fur, and creates Mischief in every shot it's featured in.

Wait… is that a bottle?

A bottle of what?


Pot of Gold

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Love those pix. Have a marvellous Monday and Happy St Patrick's Day.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha! The beer shot! Oh, you always make me laugh and today is no exception!

  3. So did Zachary pee green after drinking the green beer? ;) What great mischief! Who needs leprechauns?!

  4. That must be the pot Toby was looking for today :)
    The background fabric seems ok to me, maybe that's after you adjust for it.

  5. Love the expressions on their faces. Such good doggies, sitting there with a pot of doggy gold in front of them and not touching a one.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  6. My mom loves the photos. Your two boys are doing so great at the photos. Have a nice day.
