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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Raining Cookies

Magician Zachary
Zachary: "And for my next trick…"

Magic Cookies
Zachary: "Raining Cookies!"

Magician Zachary
Zachary: "Ta-da."

Dog Blog Post #1360

Zachary demonstrates the Filling of the Magic Hat with Wavy-Edged Cookies trick.

A true crowd pleaser.

Depending on who is in the crowd, of course.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 862. 869. "Wavy"

Our Daily Challenge - March 18, 2014 - "Smoke and Mirrors"

And Then There's Henry...

Disappearing Cookies
Henry: "Coooookies..."

Disappearing Cookies
Henry: "You can come out now."

Disappearing Cookies
Henry: "Cookies?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Gorgeous photographs! Great job, Zachary. You are a magnificent magician. Henry, I give you points for a beautiful tail and doggy booty, and for making me laugh.

  2. Actually that was a brilliant photo shoot. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. That was a great trick and awesome photo... I'm sure the dogs do wish it would rain biscuits!

  4. So cute! :) Poor Henry didn't seem to get the right word combo but his fluffy butt was cute nonetheless! <3

  5. Henry just knew there was a cookie down there or at least hoped one fell out. :)

  6. LOOK AT THAT FLUFFY TAIL!!! We don't see nearly enough of their fluffy tails. Seriously. And we need more magic tricks. Is there a suggestion box somewhere? ;)

  7. Zac you are a true magician. Have a great day.

  8. Fantastic photos! What a wonderful magician Zac is.

  9. Zachary the Great was magnificent even without his minions! I really love this set of pictures. It's definitely some of your best!

  10. Those were fantastic photos!! Both of mine would have been looking for the cookies too! Your pictures brightened my day with a smile. Thanks ~
    Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!
