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Thursday, April 24, 2014

April Showers

It would sure be NICE to get some showers!

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "Showers? I need my hat."

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "A Gentledog must look…"

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "… dignified… "

Under the Umbrella
Zachary: "… no matter what the weather."

For some reason, I pictured Gene Kelly wearing a Top Hat as he Sang In The Rain.

Clearly, should have consulted YouTube before I started shooting.

Dog Blog Post #1397

We've seen sadly little of the Wet Stuff this year.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 906. "April Showers..."

Our Daily Challenge - April 24 2014 - "Umbrella"

Under the Umbrella
Henry: "Rain?"

Under the Umbrella
Henry: "Momma, I'll melt."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. You can make the sun shine on a rainy day! That is why I am awarding you the Sunshine Award on Friday's post. Please hop by and pick up your award. : ) http://www.mkclinton.com

  2. Looking good dudes and we might be needing that brolly today as it is grey and sure looks like rain. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. The first thing I thought of when I saw Zachary was Gene Kelly, too! I love how you shot these. Bunny says she'll be Ginger if he needs a dance partner!

  4. so cute as always! those two boyz of your would melt in the rain..since they are both so sweet and made of 'sugar'!! :)

  5. My pack would definitely be with Henry...Well, all but Arty he just loves playing in the rain!
