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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Catching Cookies

Pretty self-explanatory.

Here's Zachary...

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "Oh yeah. Who's The Dog? I'm The Dog!"

… who clearly adores this game.

I just loved the shot of my happy boy, above, taken in between tosses.

And Henry...

Little Henry
Henry: "Am I on?"

Yes, sweetie...

Catching Cookies
Henry: "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"

… who probably doesn't think the energy expenditure is worth the caloric consumption, and reared up all of 6" to get the Cookies, or perhaps to better watch them go over his head.


Dog Blog Post #1389

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 898. "All Work and No Play..."

Our Daily Challenge - April 16 2014 - "Emotion"

Size Comparison

While Catching Cookies apparently isn't worth the effort, REARING for them is perfectly fine...

Tall Henry

For reference, I'm 5'5" (on a VERY good day) and yes, Henry can rear up high enough to give me a "kiss" on the cheek when he wants too.

OK Henry, I'll get out of the shot this time...

Tall Henry

Note the ears - it really is a different shot, although they look quite similar.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love the photos. I'm impressed how you catch the moment when the treat is in the air.

  2. Henry great energy conservation there pal. High five to you golden dudes. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. those were pawsome action shots !

  4. I'm still grinning over these action shots! The boys definitely have a love in life, and its name is cookies!

  5. I'm still grinning over these action shots! The boys definitely have a love in life, and its name is cookies!
