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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jail Bird Dogs

Bird Dogs
Henry: "What a perfect Sunday."
Zachary: "Don't say that."

Jail Bird Dogs
Henry: "Well, at least it can't get any worse."
Zachary: "Don't say that."

Dog Blog Post #1400

When Henry (in Orange) was just a wee pup, he managed to get his head through that little square you see in the lower left panel in the picture below.

Off to the vet we went, with Hubby holding entire left panel (square and above) and little Henry wearing it like a huge necklace.

Fortunately, with a liberal application of K-Y Jelly and a VERY patient puppy, the vet was able to pull first one ear and then Henry's head back through the opening.

No vets nor puppies were hurt in the operation, and they even cleaned him up for us before we went home.

To this day, when Henry shows up at the vets I get: "Is he the one?"

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 909. "Show Us Those Lines"

Our Daily Challenge - April 27 2014 - "Fence"

Mischief Monday

Jail Bird Dogs
Zachary: "Not another word."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Henry you were a funny puppy. Obviously the legend lives on. LOL.
    Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Adorable jailbirds you two are! Glad you got out of your jam as a puppy. I bet that was scary!

  3. Silly puppy! It's amazing what kinds of trouble curious pups will get into. I guess he spent his "Get out of jail free" card on that one. Though I'm guessing it wasn't free for you folks. ;-)

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Actually the vet didn't charge us a thing. They were all very happy to send equally happy Henry home safe and sound.

  4. Hilarious! Poor little Henry puppy. Did you happen to get any photos of said event? ;)

    1. No. I was too afraid at the time that it was going to end badly :(

  5. Wow! That must have been quite a scene on the way & at the vet! Have the jailbirds made bail yet?

  6. hope that the 'warden' has let them out of their cell?
