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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Makes Me Smile

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Wow! Streamers!"

Henry's Fan
Henry: "Cool!"

Henry's Fan
Henry in Hat - because it made the photographer smile.

Dog Blog Post #1396

Henry loves his fan, spending most of the summer parked in front of it despite our keeping the house at 78F on the hottest days and cooler when possible.

FWIW: The fan is usually kept safely positioned behind an ex-pen (fence) to keep fan and fur well apart.

… and the streamers are normally not there, either!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 905. "Makes Me Smile"

Our Daily Challenge - April 23 2014 - "Comforts of Home"

In Other News…

Zachary has zero interest in the fan, and after skimming Henry's pictures and realizing SOMETHING in there would work, I opted to just run Zachary through his favorite tricks instead of setting up an entirely different shoot.

Mr. Zachary
Zachary: "Ready!"

Stick out Your Tongue
Zachary: "High-5!"

Zachary's Tongue
Mr. Zachary

Yes, believe it or not, the last two pictures (above) are NOT the same shot, although they were taken consecutively.

What are the chances???

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love that second picture of Henry! Oh my gosh! His expression is priceless!

  2. Once again you have made my day happier with your awesome Golden photos!
