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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pie in the Sky

What's up, guys?

Pie in the Sky
"We're going…"
Zachary: "Backpacking!"
Henry: "Car Camping!"

Oh dear.

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "I have my Bear Can, Backpacking Stove, and Headlamp."
Henry: "Dutch Oven,  Lantern, and Ice Chest."

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "We'll hike for miles."
Henry: "Feet."

Dog Blog Post #1399

You guys want to do what?

I think going Zachary backpacking or Henry Car Camping to enjoy the…

Daily Dog Challenge 908. "The Great Outdoors"

… is a bit of a PIe...

Our Daily Challenge - April 26 2014 - "In The Sky"

… idea.

And you certainly can't do both at once!

Photography Assignment

Pie in the Sky
Zachary: "You can't even carry that stuff ONE foot."
Henry: "That's what Momma's for."

Editor's Note:

In the end, I did NOT upload a shot to Our Daily Challenge. I felt my pictures were just tooooooo much of a stretch for the days topic ("In The Sky") even though the challenge did suggest "Pie in the Sky" as an option. Mine just didn't seem to fit with all the REAL sky pictures that everyone else had uploaded for the day.


Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. time for an old fashioned cookout....yum

  2. Yep at least you can have a cook off dudes. Yum. Have a serene Sunday and let us all partake of some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly
