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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dinner Time?

Dinner Time?
Zachary: "Hey Mom, how much longer until Dinner?"
Henry: "Food! My favorite thing!"

Two more hours, dear.

Dinner Time?
Zachary: "It will go by quickly."
Henry: "In a blink of an eye."

Dinner Time?
Zachary: "Maybe you should have blinked both eyes."

Dinner Time?
Henry: "Maybe Momma needs to feed us more often."

Dog Blog Post #1416

The boys gathered,  hoping I'd take Note of the time.

Alas, the little hand on The Number 3 still leaves them two hours short of Dinner Time.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 925. "Note"

Time Passes…

Dinner Time!

Dinner Time!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Boys...Boys...Boys...

    (Is it dinnertime yet?)Dory

  2. You guys are soooooo lucky! I don't get to eat until 8pm!


  3. Peeps is quite flexible about breakfast and dinner times. Any time like NOW is good for me. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Boomer and Dottie feel the same way... when is breakfast? When is dinner?

  5. Another great set of photos! Now, is it time to eat? Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!

  6. oh my my your blog is the one I've been looking for! What fun! I just went back 5 pages laughing out loud. My lab is gone now but the standard poodle is here and has his own page on my blog. I will come back and check out the antics of these guys now that I have met y'all. LeeAnna Paylor
    blog Not Afraid of Color!

  7. That is so cute ... loved it! Prince never has to ask how long till dinner. He has his own internal clock that keeps time better than NASA. At 5:45 each day, the pacing and whining commences. Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

  8. Adorable. We love it. Thanks for sharing.

  9. 5 am and 5 pm is feeding time at our zoo..give or take an hour or so..good thing Tucker can't tell time!
