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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fishing for Cookies

Henry: "Now THAT's a bowl of water!"

Fishing for Cookies
Henry: (slurp gulp slurp gulp)

Fishing for Cookies
Henry: "Ahh…."

Dog Blog Post #1406

I wish I could say that Henry is normally a neat drinker, but I can't.

The boy looks like a Baleen Whale draining its pouch every time he leaves a water bowl.

It's as if he takes in one more mouthful of water than he needs and then lets it all drain out as he walks away from the bowl.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 3 2014 - "Wet"

Daily Dog Challenge 915. "It's In The Details"

While the shoot was staged (I was tossing Cookies in the bowl) the fact he is a drinking slob isn't, and I really liked that I captured that part of the Real Henry.

Alas, Henry went first (as he always does) for the shoot, and in hindsight I wish I had set the camera up a bit differently. Same for the timing of the shots.

I applied what I'd learned to Zachary's shoot (below) but the boy isn't nearly as big as slob as Henry is.

See "timing" comment above if you think the shots show otherwise. :)

I might have to repeat this shoot some time, as the boys enjoyed it and there is definitely room for improvement.

Mr. Neatness…

Fishing for Cookies
Zachary: "Neatly… neatly…"

I love how you can see his whiskers pulled forward to "find" the Cookie.

(If you are really curious, you click on the image to get to the original, which can be zoomed.)

Fishing for Cookies
Zachary: "Delicately… delicately…"

Uh, Zachary?

The point of the shoot is to see you guys making a mess in the water.

Fishing for Cookies
Zachary: "Like..."

Fishing for Cookies
Zachary: "This?"

In Zachary's defense, he actually is a pretty neat drinker - when I'm not dropping Cookies in the water bowl, that is.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. LOL think I belong to the Henry club. Have a serene Sunday and enjoy some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly
