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Monday, May 26, 2014

Mr. Tidy and… Not

Personal Style
Zachary: "Don't I look Dapper."
Henry: "Hate raggedy hat."

You look adorable Henry.

Besides, I need to show one of you as Tidy and the other… not.

Personal Style
Zachary: "I can't IMAGINE who the Tidy one will be."
Henry: (censored)

Of course, the best behaved will get the most Cookies.

Personal Style


Dog Blog Post #1429

Hopefully, it's Obvious who is Tidy Mr. Zachary and who is… not.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 938. "Obvious"

Our Daily Challenge - May 26 2014 - "Tidy or Untidy"

Personal Style
Zachary: "Where's the Cookies?"
Henry: "I better get TWO glasses full."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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