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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Henry, don't forget your sun hat…

Dog in Hat
Henry: "Oooph!"

… and glasses...

Dog in Hat
Henry: "Momma, Puppies don't need sun hats and glasses to play outside."

You can never be too careful about Sun Protection, dear.

Dog in Hat
Henry: "Apparently you can."

Dog Blog Post #1430

Like any good Mom, I'm a bit Obsessive about making sure the boys have adequate Sun Protection before they go outside to play.

Alternate Explanation: I'm obsessive about taking pictures of my boys wearing hats?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 27 2014 - "Obsessive"

Daily Dog Challenge 939. "Sun Protection"

Dog in Hat
Zachary: "My day to shine; to finally show the world the star that I am."

Uh, Zachary...

Dog in Shades
Zachary: "What do you mean all my pictures were ruined!"

Zachary wants it to be known that he's in search of a new photographer, as his current one didn't notice his sun glasses were on crooked, thereby ruining just about all his shots today.

(Anybody need a pre-owned photographer?)

NOTE: May 27 is "Sunscreen Protection Day" (who knew?!)


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. OmG - I just love these dogs!

    Thank you for the great photos and story line. :)

  2. You look great even with crooked glasses. Another great photo day!

  3. Golden dudes as cool as ever. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Leo will wear hats, sunglasses, practically anything, but Harley wants nothing to do with anything on his head... Beautiful photos, beautiful dogs

  5. Oh my gosh, I cannot get enough of these pictures!

  6. Sun protection is so very important - and you look super cool in the hat!
